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Cómo evitar las estafas dirigidas contra los inmigrantes

Cómo evitar las estafas dirigidas contra los inmigrantes

Por Jennifer Leach

Directora, División de Educación del Consumidor y Negocios, FTC

Cuando hay grandes cambios que generan confusión, los estafadores prosperan. Casi siempre. De modo que, como recientemente caducó el Título 42, la ley de la era de la pandemia relacionada con la inmigración, casi seguro que con el consiguiente “qué pasará después” los notarios tengan la esperanza de ganar dinero con esa pregunta. ¿Cómo detenerlos entonces?

Primero, tienes que saber que en Estados Unidos los notarios o notarios públicos no son abogados con licencia habilitante. No te pueden dar consejos legales. Pero eso no impedirá que algunos malhechores digan que pueden ayudarte o te prometan resultados. Sin embargo, son mentiras. No sólo te costarán dinero, sino posiblemente tu oportunidad de inmigrar legalmente.

Para evitar las estafas dirigidas contra los inmigrantes, consulta Y luego: 

• Infórmate sobre quiénes pueden ayudarte. Hay algunos abogados y especializados y representantes acreditados que pueden ayudar a la gente con sus trámites de inmigración. No recurras a un notario para obtener ayuda para tu trámite de inmigración o asesoría legal.

• No pagues a cambio de formularios. Los formularios deinmigracion oficiales del Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por su sigla en inglés) son gratis. Todo aquel que intente cobrarte es un estafador.

• No firmes formularios en blanco. Ni ningún otro formulario que tenga información que no sea veraz. Los notarios deshonestos podrían pedirte que lo hagas, y eso es una garantía de problemas. También es una garantía de que alguien está detrás de tu dinero.

• No hay acceso especial. Nadie puede garantizarte que obtendrás una Green Card o la ciudadanía. Nadie puede incluirte en una lista especial ni darte acceso anticipado a ningún proceso secreto. Son mentiras que te costarán dinero y, muy probablemente, tu oportunidad de inmigrar legalmente.

Si detectas un notario que se está aprovechando de los inmigrantes, cuéntaselo a la FTC en


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3 Comentarios

  • Frank Urbanic
    22 August 2023 17:42

    I’m 34 and I swallowed my pride to get to the I’m stage today. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I had medical issues ongoing for 6 months back in early 2022. I was a freelancer who made good active money as a real estate photographer but had to sell my equipment and max out saving, my cards and a loan just for rent and bills. I moved back in with my family to cancel my debt and start over with school. My lease is up at the end of September $2,300. My Dad said I can pay rent starting in October and then go to debt. I barely made it. $2,700 a month at my 9 to 5. My credit score went from 740 to 535. Total debt $12,500. I needed help badly. I started seeking advice on what to do about these debts so that my credit score can go back to 700s not until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST from this forum who bypass into the 3 credit bureaus and clear off my debts and more before he increased my credit screw up to 800+ with 6 days. Contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST ASAP for more about credit issues and more on his email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • John Cannon
    20 August 2023 17:17

    Hello, I’m almost 3 years post a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Earlier this year I was sitting around 588 on Experian Fico8. My car lease was paid and instead of going for another I just turned it in and shared a vehicle with my spouse since we both work from home. I had 3 cards at the time, 2 cap one quicksilver and 1 starter card credit one which had an annual fee. I canceled that card. My score dropped 40 points and has pretty much been stuck the last 4+ months. I signed up for PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to BOOST my credit score. Within 6 days of signing up to their service they helped me increase my score to 811. All negative items have been wiped off my credit report including my bankruptcy. I’m happy now I now have a clean credit report with an exceptional credit score. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they’re my helping Angel. You can reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • Carol Gibbsons
    17 August 2023 17:31

    In today's financial landscape, maintaining a good credit score is of utmost importance. However, unforeseen circumstances or poor financial decisions can lead to a decline in one's creditworthiness. In such situations, it becomes essential to seek help from professionals who can assist in repairing and improving credit scores. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, a renowned credit repair organization, stands as a reliable option for individuals seeking assistance in this domain.   Understanding Credit Repair: Credit repair refers to the process of improving one's creditworthiness by rectifying errors, disputing inaccuracies, and adopting strategies to enhance credit scores. It is a complex process that requires expertise and knowledge. While some individuals might attempt to repair their credit independently, consulting professionals like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can provide expert guidance and ensure a more effective outcome.   PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST- A Trusted Solution: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has established itself as an industry leader in credit repair services. With a team of experienced professionals, they offer comprehensive solutions tailored to individual needs. Their expertise lies in analyzing credit reports, identifying discrepancies, and formulating effective strategies to address them. By leveraging their knowledge of credit bureaus, laws, and regulations, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST assists clients in their journey towards credit restoration.   The Benefits of Choosing PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: a. Expert Guidance: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offers personalized advice and assistance, helping individuals navigate the complexities of credit repair. Their expertise ensures that the necessary steps are taken to rectify inaccuracies and ultimately improve credit scores. b. Tailored Strategies: Recognizing that every credit repair case is unique, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST devises customized strategies that align with clients' specific situations. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of successful credit restoration. c. Legal Compliance: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST operates within the legal framework governing credit repair services, ensuring that all actions taken are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This adherence to legal guidelines provides clients with peace of mind throughout the credit repair process.   When seeking professional assistance to repair credit, consulting an established organization like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can prove to be a prudent decision. Their expertise, tailored strategies, and commitment to legal compliance make them a reliable ally for individuals looking to improve their credit scores. You Can Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

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