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2018 Office of Tulsa Mayor Annual Report

2018 Office of Tulsa Mayor Annual Report

Mayor G.T. Bynum shared the 2018 Office of the Mayor Annual Report, which consists of programs and projects his Administration has worked on the past year to help Tulsa become a globally competitive city. 

“2018 was a record setting year for Tulsa through our work in public safety, economic development, data innovation, the Resilient Tulsa Strategy and the New Tulsans Initiative,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “Tulsa outpaced both the nation and the state of Oklahoma in job growth - adding the two largest new employers in Tulsa history - and we continued a record-setting pace in funding new police officers along with the implementation of a best-in-class community policing program. 2018 was an outstanding year for Tulsa and I want to thank my fellow citizens for your support and feedback as we continue to set high expectations for our city.”

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