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Es una prioridad “Expulsar a los delincuentes y garantizar la Seguridad Pública”

Es una prioridad “Expulsar a los delincuentes y garantizar la Seguridad Pública”

CIUDAD DE OKLAHOMA – A través de un comunicado de prensa el Procurador General Gentner Drummond dio a conocer la creación de un Grupo de Trabajo contra el Crimen Organizado para combatir el flagelo de las operaciones ilegales de cultivo de marihuana en todo Oklahoma, remarcando que existe un recurso para que los ciudadanos denuncien actividades sospechosas relacionadas con operaciones sin licencia.

"Los cultivos ilegales de marihuana son responsables de una afluencia alarmante del crimen organizado a nuestras comunidades, particularmente de los cárteles de la droga y los sindicatos del crimen chinos", señaló Drummond. "He convertido en una prioridad eliminar a estos operadores ilícitos y este grupo de trabajo es un componente crucial para expulsar a los delincuentes y garantizar la seguridad pública".

“Este grupo  está trabajando estrechamente con la Oficina de Control de Narcóticos y Drogas Peligrosas de Oklahoma (OBN), la Autoridad de Marihuana Medicinal de Oklahoma y otras agencias estatales para investigar todos los delitos relacionados con las operaciones de cultivo ilegal, incluida la trata de personas y la distribución de drogas mortales como el fentanilo” remarco.

Se recomienda a los ciudadanos con información sobre presuntas operaciones de cultivo ilegal que envíen un aviso a la Oficina del Fiscal General de Oklahoma. Un formulario de queja está disponible en  "Illegal Marijuana Tipline". Las reportes también se pueden enviar a y permaneceran en el anonimato.

El Proyecto de Ley 2095 de la Cámara de Representantes, promulgado en mayo, otorga al Grupo de Trabajo contra el Crimen Organizado, junto con OBN y la Oficina de Investigación del Estado de Oklahoma, plena autoridad de aplicación sobre las leyes de marihuana medicinal. Escrita por el representante Jon Echols y el senador Lonnie Paxton, la medida permite a la Oficina del Procurador General citar documentos comerciales, realizar inspecciones in situ sin previo aviso, incautar y destruir productos ilegales y celebrar acuerdos con otras agencias estatales para combatir las operaciones ilegales.



It is a Priority to Wipe out criminals and Ensuring Public Safety


OKLAHOMA CITY - Attorney General Gentner Drummond has created an Organized Crime Task Force to combat the scourge of illegal marijuana grow operations across Oklahoma and added a resource for citizens to report suspicious activity related to unlicensed operations.

“Illegal marijuana grows are responsible for an alarming influx of organized crime into our communities, particularly from Mexican drug cartels and Chinese crime syndicates” Drummond noted. “I have made it a priority to wipe out these illicit operators and this task force is a crucial component to driving out criminals and ensuring public safety.”

The task force is working closely with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control (OBN), the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority and other state agencies to investigate all crimes related to illegal grow operations, including human trafficking and the distribution of deadly drugs such as fentanyl.

Citizens with information about suspected illegal grow operations are encouraged to submit a tip to the Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General. A complaint form is available at Tips can also be sent to and reporters can remain anonymous.

House Bill 2095, signed into law in May, gives the Organized Crime Task Force, in conjunction with OBN and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, full enforcement authority over medical marijuana laws. Authored by Rep. Jon Echols and Sen. Lonnie Paxton, the measure allows the Office of the Attorney General to subpoena business documents, conduct unannounced on-site inspections, seize, and destroy illegal products and enter into agreements with other state agencies to combat illegal operations.


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3 Comentarios

    27 September 2023 09:08

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  • Stephanie Fueger
    20 September 2023 20:24

    I am 21 years old, and I graduated college in May 2023. When I started college, I didn't have the credit history to obtain a private student loan for tuition expenses, and I didn't know anyone who would co-sign for me -- and my parents weren't in the position to do so either. Having a decent job at the time, I had the 'bright idea' to obtain a personal loan through my credit union (Founders FCU in SC) to pay for my tuition expenses. Each year I borrowed a little more to pay for each semester -- the loan ended up reaching a whopping $10,000. My credit union also talked me into applying for a credit card -- which I did and had a limit of $5,000. My fall semester of college I lost the job I had throughout college, and having no income until my internship started the next summer, I wasn't able to make the payments and they eventually went into charge off status. Also, during my Junior year in college, my grandmother needed a loan for medical expenses, and her credit was not good enough to qualify on her own, I agreed to co-sign for her, which was dumb, I know. It was a smaller open line of credit ($2,500) at State Employees Credit Union in NC. Around 6 months in, she couldn't make the payments, so I paid it off for her. Unknown to me, she took out an advance on the line right before she passed, and I found out shortly after and was stuck with the bill, and that did not help with the fact that I had lost my job and was already drowning in debt that I could not pay. That account went into charged off status as well shortly after. I have been in a relationship for a couple years, we recently moved in together, and the struggle of being approved as a co-applicant due to my credit made me realize that I needed to get my credit back in shape. It's easy to give up and forget about it, but I know that in the next 3-5 years we will want to buy a house, and I don't want to be the one who makes it difficult because I haven't addressed my credit situation. I have attempted a settlement and payment arrangement with Founders FCU and they have surprisingly been very difficult to work with -- they will not settle and will not make a payment arrangement with me. They also told me that they have filed a judgement. The loan through Founders is still accruing interest as well, but the credit card is not. I got a secured loan through NFCU in March for $300 at a 6-month term, after that a friend of mine who is an attorney recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me, which I quickly contacted and explained my predicament to them. They gave me 100% assurance that they’ll bring my credit back to shape. Within 6 days they made my State Employees line of credit reporting as paid and some of my debts marked as paid which boosted my score to an excellent score. Mohela student loan no longer appears on my credit report. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me gain my happiness back, I sincerely recommend them. Hit them up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

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