OCCC y Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Oklahoma Anuncia acuerdo 2 + 2
"Los acuerdos de transferencia permiten a los estudiantes completar una licenciatura sin problemas"
Oklahoma City – Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) y la Universidad de Ciencias y artes de Oklahoma (USAO) se han asociado para hacer más fácil la transferencia para los estudiantes que deseen terminar su bachillerato.
Profesores de ambas instituciones han completado los acuerdos de transferencia de 19 programas académicos que permitirán a los alumnos de OCCC inscribirse directamente en los cursos de división superior en USAO, lo que les permite completar su licenciatura sin el coste o la preocupación de aplicar a otra escuela.
"Estoy tan contento que USAO y OCCC han colaborado para proporcionar a los estudiantes con una trayectoria ininterrumpida a fomentar su educación," dijo el Presidente John Feaver. "Hemos encontrado que los estudiantes que vienen con nosotros después de completar su educación en OCCC están bien preparados para tener éxito en nuestra institución. En los últimos dos años, nuestras instituciones han trabajado incansablemente para forjar acuerdos que beneficiarán a todos los involucrados, especialmente los estudiantes que utilicen sus diversas experiencias educativas como un trampolín para su futuro crecimiento".
En el otoño de 2016, una colaboración "Cyrano" de Frank Langella fue el primer fruto de esos esfuerzos. Ofreció a los estudiantes de ambas escuelas oportunidades clave para la enseñanza y el trabajo en equipo. Katie Davis, profesor de arte, fue uno de los líderes de estos acuerdos interinstitucionales, trabajando duro para desarrollar una relación con Brent Noel, profesor de artes en OCCC.
Actualmente existen acuerdos de transferencia entre OCCC y USAO para los siguientes programas académicos: arte, comunicación, Inglés, música, teatro, educación infantil, educación primaria, economía, historia, ciencia política, política, psicología, sociología, administración de empresas, química, matemáticas, física y biología.
"Los acuerdos de transferencia como nuestra alianza con USAO, proporcionan a los estudiantes la oportunidad de alcanzar sus metas de educación superior en un acelerado ritmo y unirse a la fuerza de trabajo más rápido, con deuda limitada," dijo el Presidente de OCCC Jerry Steward. "Los estudiantes tienen más opciones que nunca cuando tienen una selección de programas para obtener una licenciatura para su trayectoria y están completamente equipados para los rigores del Colegio y continuar los cursos ya habiendo completado su grado asociado en Oklahoma City Community College.
OCCC tiene acuerdos de transferencia similares con la Universidad de Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University y la Universidad de Oklahoma Central. Para obtener más información acerca de inscribirse en OCCC, visite now.occc.edu. Para obtener más información sobre cómo transferir a USAO, visite usao.edu/future-students/transfer-admissions.
USAO, OCCC announce 2+2 agreements
"Transfer agreements allow students to complete a bachelor’s degree seamlessly"
Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) and the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) have partnered to make transferring a seamless endeavor for students wishing to complete their bachelor’s degree.
Faculty from both institutions have completed transfer agreements for 19 academic programs that will allow OCCC students to enroll directly into upper division courses at USAO, enabling them to complete their bachelor’s degree without the cost or worry of applying to another school.
“I am so pleased that USAO and OCCC have collaborated to provide students with an uninterrupted path to furthering their education,” said USAO President John Feaver. “We have found that students who come to USAO after completing their education at OCCC are well prepared to succeed at USAO. Over the last two years, our institutions have worked tirelessly to forge agreements that will benefit everyone involved, especially the students who will use their diverse educational experiences as a springboard for their future growth.”
In the fall of 2016, a collaborative production of Frank Langella’s “Cyrano” was the first fruit of these efforts. It offered students from both schools key opportunities for peer-teaching and teamwork. Katie Davis, professor of theatre arts at USAO, was one of the earliest champions of these inter-institutional agreements, working hard to develop a relationship with Brent Noel, professor of theatre arts at OCCC.
Transfer agreements between OCCC and USAO currently exist for the following academic programs: art, communication, English, music, theatre arts, early childhood education, elementary education, deaf education, economics, history, political science, public policy, psychology, sociology, business administration, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and biology.
“Transfer agreements such as our partnership with USAO provide students the opportunity to achieve their higher learning goals at an accelerated pace and to join the workforce quicker, with limited debt,” said OCCC President Jerry Steward. “Students have more options than ever before when selecting programs for earning a bachelor degree for their chosen career path and are fully equipped for the rigors of continued college coursework having already completed their associate degree at Oklahoma City Community College.”
OCCC has similar transfer agreements with the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and the University of Central Oklahoma.
For more information about enrolling at OCCC, visit now.occc.edu. For more information on transferring to USAO, visit usao.edu/future-students/transfer-admissions.
OCCC enrolls more than 20,000 students annually. The college is currently the largest adult basic education provider in the state. OCCC offers a full range of associate degree programs that prepare students to transfer to baccalaureate institutions while other degree and certificate programs prepare students for immediate employment. At OCCC, students receive a quality education with small class sizes, dedicated professors and leadership opportunities. Students can choose from more than 60 major fields of study and participate in any of the 40+ clubs and organizations. For more information about OCCC, visit www.occc.edu.
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