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OKC spraygrounds, family aquatic centers set to open Memorial Day weekend

OKC spraygrounds, family aquatic centers set to open Memorial Day weekend

It’s that time of year again when area school-aged children trade their textbooks for bathing suits and head out to their local pools for summer fun. OKC Parks officially opens its 16 spraygrounds, two family aquatic centers and community pool on Saturday, May 25.


Spraygrounds are open daily from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., May 25 – Sept. 28.

Locations include Douglass Park, E.B. Jeffrey Park, Harvest Hills Park, Macklanburg Park, McCracken Park, McKinley Park, Melrose Park, Memorial Park, Minnis Lakeview Park, North Highland Park, Reed Park, Schilling Park, Sellers Park, Taylor Park, Wiley Post Park and Youngs Park.

Northeast Community Pool

The City’s community pool, Northeast Pool, 1300 NE 33rd St., will open 1-6 p.m., Tuesday – Sunday, June 11 – Aug. 4. Free admission.

Earlywine and Will Rogers Family Aquatic Family Centers

OKC Parks’ aquatic centers open at 1 p.m. on May 25. Daily entry fees are $6 per person/per day.

Hours of operation are:

May 25-27                             1 - 6 p.m.

June 1 – Aug. 11                   1 - 7 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday               

                                              1 - 8 p.m., Friday-Saturday

                                              1 - 6 p.m., Sunday

Aug. 17-25                            1 - 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday only

Aug. 31 - Sept. 2                   1 - 6 p.m.

Earlywine Family Aquatic Center is in Earlywine Park, SW 119 Street and May Avenue. Will Rogers Family Aquatic Center is in Will Rogers Park, 3201 N Grand Blvd.

Season passes

Season passes for Earlywine and Will Rogers Aquatic Centers can be purchased online at or on-site. Season passes are $45 per person. Family passes are $145 for a family of four and a $35 fee for each additional family member.

Swim lessons

Parents can sign up their children for swimming lessons at Earlywine and Will Rogers Family Aquatic Centers. Each session is three weeks long with two lessons per week for $35 per child. Lessons are available for all ages and swimming abilities. To sign up, visit

Pool regulations

• Children ten and under must be accompanied by an adult in the water and on deck.

• Youth ages 11-12 must be accompanied by an adult, guardian or older sibling (16 years or older) on the deck.

• Teens 13 and older may swim unaccompanied by an adult. No more than four youth ages 0-12 per adult or legal guardian.

• Toddlers must wear swim diapers while in the pool.

• Water footwear is recommended at all spraygrounds.


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