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Presión Arterial y la Salud del corazón

Presented by the INTEGRIS Hispanic Initiative 

OKLAHOMA CITY (Feb. 8, 2017) Approximately 68 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure. According to the CDC, more than one in five people with high blood pressure does not know they have it. The incidence in African-American men is 42.2 percent, and women is 44.1 percent; White men 31.2 percent and women 28.3 percent; And Mexico-American men 24% and 28.5% of women. Twenty-five percent of adults in the United States 

The incidence in African-American men is 42.2 percent, and women is 44.1 percent; White men 31.2 percent and women 28.3 percent; And Mexico-American men 24% and 28.5% of women. Twenty-five percent of adults in the United States have prehypertension, a blood pressure that is above normal but not high enough to be classified as high blood pressure.
Education is the key to prevention. The INTEGRIS Hispanic initiative joins the American Heart Association for a free presentation on hypertension, with blood pressure measurement, free to participants.
The presentation will be in Spanish and in English from 6:30 to 7:30 on Tuesday, February 21, at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center, 4200 S. Douglas Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73109. For more information and reservations, Please call INTEGRIS HealthLine, 405-951-2277, press # 2 for Spanish.
Blood Pressure and Heart Health 
Presented by INTEGRIS Hispanic Initiative
Approximately 68 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure. According to the CDC more than one in five people with high blood pressure do not know they have it. The incidence in African American men is 42.2 percent, and women is 44.1 percent; white men 31.2 percent, and women 28.3 percent; and Mexican American men 24 percent, and women 28.5 percent. Twenty-five percent of adults in the United States have pre-hypertension, a blood pressure that is above normal but not high enough to be classified as high blood pressure. 
Education is the key to prevention. The INTEGRIS Hispanic Initiative is joining the American Heart Association for a free presentation on hypertension, with free blood pressure screening for participants. 
The presentation will be held in both Spanish and English from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center, 4200 S. Douglas Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73109. 
For more information and reservations, please call the INTEGRIS HealthLine, 405-951-2277, press #2 for Spanish.

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