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Charter School Supporters to Celebrate on Oct. 17 in Oklahoma City

Charter School Supporters to Celebrate on Oct. 17 in Oklahoma City

Charter School Supporters to Celebrate on Oct. 17 in Oklahoma City

Charter school students, parents and advocates are gathering at the Myriad Gardens in Oklahoma City on October 17 at 10 AM to celebrate 20 years of public charter schools in Oklahoma.

The event celebrates the passage of HB 1759, the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act, which allowed charter schools to open in Oklahoma and Tulsa counties. Since then, legislation has passed allowing charter schools to open statewide. There are now 36,000 students in 66 charter schools operating in all 77 counties. Charter schools are free and are part of the public school system.

The October 17 event will feature remarks from elected officials, charter school educators and parents. The event is open to the public, but attendees are requested to RSVP at

The event is being organized by ChoiceMatters and the Oklahoma Public Charter School Association.

ChoiceMatters Executive Director Robert Ruiz said the event is an opportunity for parents and students to voice support for their school and others like it.

“Public charter schools are drivers of innovation, creativity and best practices across the education field,” said Ruiz. “They are also one of the key ways families get to exercise choice in public education. No one is assigned a charter school; every student at every charter has chosen to be there. We think this is worth celebrating, and that’s what we’ll be doing on October 17.” 

Oklahoma Public Charter School Association and Santa Fe South Public Schools Superintendent Chris Brewster said charter schools have a record of excellence that is worth celebrating.

“Oklahoma’s public charter schools offer a rich and rewarding learning experience for the students and families who choose a charter school,” said Brewster. “For 20 years, charter schools have been an important piece of our state’s educational system by providing an outstanding education to the students we serve.”

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