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Silver Energy sweeps through south Oklahoma City

Silver Energy sweeps through south Oklahoma City

OG&E’s Silver Energy “swept” through several south Oklahoma City neighborhoods Wednesday, May 8, as a group of 75 volunteers and contractors caulked windows, sealed air ducts, insulated attics and installed energy saving LED light bulbs in the homes of 18 senior customers. 

The Silver Energy Sweep initiative began in March as part of the company’s effort to help lower energy bills and improve the comfort and safety of seniors’ homes in south Oklahoma City. Since March, more than 170 homes have been weatherized, with more yet to be completed. 

“Together our employees and contractors were able to do the kinds of improvements that many of these homeowners weren’t able to do for themselves.” said OG&E representative Kathleen O’Shea. “The Silver Energy Sweep is a way OG&E can make a difference in our community and give back to some of our most loyal customers.” 

OG&E’s Silver Energy is a suite of programs and services, volunteerism and community partnerships designed to increase comfort, safety, security and savings for senior customers. Silver Energy includes OG&E’s weatherization program that provides up to $3,000 of home energy improvements. To qualify, customers must be aged 60 and above with an annual income of $60,000 or below.

To learn more about Silver Energy, visit https://www.oge.com/wps/portal/oge/save-energy/silver-energy. To sign up for programs, contact Customer Service at 800-272-9741.


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