Premio Golden Apple a educadores sobresalientes
Midwest City, OK - Rose State College celebró con orgullo el impacto de los educadores excepcionales en Oklahoma con su prestigioso Premio Golden Apple, que honra a diez personas que han influido profundamente en la vida de sus estudiantes.
“Los ganadores del premio fueron seleccionados de 78 ensayos presentados por estudiantes actuales de Rose State, cada uno nominando a un maestro que tuvo un impacto duradero en su educación y crecimiento personal. Un comité de profesores y personal de Rose State evaluó cuidadosamente cada nominación para identificar a los diez homenajeados.”
"El Premio de Enseñanza Golden Apple es uno de mis honores favoritos que otorgamos durante todo el año", dijo Lance Newbold, Vicepresidente de Asuntos Estudiantiles de Rose State College. "Es increíblemente conmovedor ver a los maestros, que han dedicado sus vidas a dar forma al futuro de los estudiantes, ser reconocidos por esos mismos estudiantes".
Los ensayos destacaron historias personales inspiradoras de cómo estos educadores fueron más allá. Dos estudiantes compartieron historias de las acciones heroicas de sus maestros durante el tornado de mayo de 2013, que los llevó a ellos y a otros estudiantes a un lugar seguro. Otro estudiante escribió sobre cómo superar una desafiante barrera del idioma y vivir en un nuevo país al encontrar un sentido de seguridad, amor y validación a través de las acciones compasivas de su maestro.
Los galardonados con el Premio Manzana de Oro 2024 incluyen:
• Leslie Brewster, Meeker High School- nominada por Ean Watham
• Kelly Chamlee, Rose State College- nominada por Lily Goolsby
• Jennifer Chang, Norman High School- nominada por Kimberlyn Bruehl
• William Glover, Escuela Primaria Orvis Risner- nominado por Matin Mazroee
• Tracy Hastings, Escuela Primaria Nicoma Park- nominada por Ashlyn Wilbanks
• Jamie Maples, Escuela Primaria Briarwood- nominado por Breanna Cordero
• Tricia Mitchell, Carnegie High School- nominada por Angela Cardenas
• Shannon Pruitt, Meeker High School- nominada por Kylie Way
• Paula Sendall, Choctaw High School- nominada por Shelbie Pherigo
• Amy Simpson, Escuela Primaria Oakridge- nominada por Scarlet Simpson
Desde su creación en 2001, el programa Golden Apple ha honrado a 250 educadores, celebrando su notable dedicación a dar forma a la vida de los estudiantes. Rose State College mantiene su compromiso de reconocer y apoyar a los educadores que inspiran, elevan y cambian las vidas de sus estudiantes todos los días.
Golden Apple Award Honors Outstanding Educators
Midwest City, OK - Rose State College proudly celebrated the impact of exceptional educators across Oklahoma with its prestigious Golden Apple Award, honoring ten individuals who have profoundly influenced the lives of their students.
“The award recipients were selected from 78 heartfelt essays submitted by current Rose State students, each nominating a teacher who had a lasting impact on their education and personal growth. A Rose State faculty and staff committee carefully evaluated each nomination to identify the ten honorees.”
“The Golden Apple Teaching Award is one of my favorite honors we bestow throughout the year,” said Lance Newbold, Rose State College Vice President of Student Affairs. “It’s incredibly moving to see teachers, who have dedicated their lives to shaping students’ futures, recognized by those very students.”
The essays highlighted inspiring personal stories of how these educators went above and beyond. Two students shared stories of their teachers’ heroic actions during the May 2013 tornado, ushering them and other students to safety. Another student wrote about overcoming a challenging language barrier and living in a new country by finding a sense of safety, love, and validation through the compassionate actions of their teacher.
The 2024 Golden Apple Award honorees include:
• Leslie Brewster, Meeker High School- nominated by Ean Watham
• Kelly Chamlee, Rose State College- nominated by Lily Goolsby
• Jennifer Chang, Norman High School- nominated by Kimberlyn Bruehl
• William Glover, Orvis Risner Elementary School- nominated by Matin Mazroee
• Tracy Hastings, Nicoma Park Elementary School- nominated by Ashlyn Wilbanks
• Jamie Maples, Briarwood Elementary School- nominated by Breanna Cordero
• Tricia Mitchell, Carnegie High School- nominated by Angela Cardenas
• Shannon Pruitt, Meeker High School- nominated by Kylie Way
• Paula Sendall, Choctaw High School- nominated by Shelbie Pherigo
• Amy Simpson, Oakridge Elementary School- nominated by Scarlet Simpson
Since its establishment in 2001, the Golden Apple program has honored 250 educators, celebrating their remarkable dedication to shaping students' lives. Rose State College remains committed to recognizing and supporting the educators who inspire, uplift, and change the lives of their students every day.
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